Mineral Park - A town long gone, but during most of the 1870s and 1880s, Mineral Park reigned as the Mohave county seat and most important town in the area.
The county seat moved to Kingman in 1886 and the post office closed in 1912.
The signed turnoff and a historical marker for Mineral Park lie 14 miles northwest of Kingman on US 93 at mileposts 58, Mohave County Highway 255.

The huge piles of tailings belong to a copper and molybdenum mine. Mineral Park Mine, operated by Mercator Minerals LTD, is an open-pit copper/molybdenum mine which is expected to produce over 42 million pounds of copper and over 10 million pounds of molybdenum in 2012.
The Mineral Park area contains the world's largest turquoise deposit (not open to the public), which is mined along with decorative rock. |